Platina Heart Hospital brings together all Cardiac Specialties under one roof. we are dedicated to facilities Cardiac Care.
Adult cardiology
What sets this department apart is the excellent post-operative intensive care which turns out world class success rates.Cardiac surgeon and cardiac anesthetists are available round the clock two fully functional operation suites equipped of air-conditionally.
Shadow less operating lights, Electronic Cardiac tables, Heart lung Machine & Accessories, Infusion Pumps, Defibrillators and advanced instruments, guarantee.The Best Cardiac Surgical Treatment to the patient at par with international standards.A 5 Bedded Dedicated and fully equipped.Post Surgical Intensive care (Adjacent to the surgical theater) Provides 1:1 Nurse Care by Specially Trained Nurses.
1) Interventional Cardiology
Coronary angiography
Coronary angioplasty
Permanent pacemaker implantation
Balloon volvuloplasty
ASD, PDA device closure
2) Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeriesy
Coronary artery bypass graft surgery
Valve replacement
Surgical closure of ASD, VSD
Pediatric cardiology
Pediatric cardiology is a very specific and sensitive branch for infancy. Last two decades have been very good for the development of pediatric cardiology but only in some parts of the countries it involves proper history family history clinical examination saturation x-ray chest, ECG, Echo cardiology& very important counseling of the parents. Platina heart hospital provides all facilities required pediatric cardiology. Platina hospital is fulfilling the need of pediatric in central India & hospital also awareness programmed for pediatric cardiology.
Device closure for congenital defects like ASD, VSD, PDA
Surgiries for congenital heart diseases
Peadiatric echo
Cardiac electrophysiology
Electrophysiological studies have been used for decades to evaluate cardiac arrhythmias and to get a basic understanding of their mechanisms. Ventricular tachyarrhythmias are the commonest cause of sudden cardiac death (SCD). The patients are investigated by an EP study and, if required, provided with implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) as a life saving device.
Holter study
Head up tilt test
E.P study, Radio frequncy ablation
Pacemaker and device implantation